According to McKinsey, 40% of workers are considering changing jobs. It’s never been more challenging to keep or engage employees. Part of the reason is we don’t feel connected at work. More than 60% of American adults report that they feel isolated and lonely, costing the US economy $406 billion per year in lost productivity. Europe follows the trend. The consequences are dire: Mental and physical illness, decreased productivity, increased sick leave, and toxic workplaces. This keynote is designed to inspire leaders to transform the workplace into a community and attractive place to work, and help team members plug into their source of power with the 3 C’s—confidence, contribution, and connection–creating a win-win for all.
To build trust in leadership and cultivate a culture of connection, we need more women to step up into leadership—in corporations as well as in politics. However, we don’t need more women who have adopted a masculine leadership style. In this keynote, Unni shares personal stories and explores women’s relationship with anger, other women, and with power—with the goal to elevate the dynamics between women and men in the workplace, increase equity and diversity,
as well as the company bottom line.
The Nobel Peace Prize is the most prestigious and admired international prize of our time. However, the prize as we know it is corrupt at its core. In this 60-minute keynote, Unni pulls back the curtain and exposes how the Nobel committees has contributed to dysfunctional leadership and devaluing women and minority groups. She also reveals how we can right the ship and restore trust in the Nobel Peace Prize and in leadership globally.
Using what she learned researching her award-winning book The Mystery of the Lone Wolf Killer, Unni digs deep into what makes someone, who has never committed a crime, become a mass murderer. Loneliness, the fastest growing epidemic in our society, is part of the problem. In this 60-minute keynote, Unni explores ways to prevent someone from falling into the rabbit hole of hateful ideology and how to avoid alienating a family member with complete opposite
views—thus decreasing polarity.
I chose Unni because my anger was ruining my life and my relationships. When I heard her speak at a conference I thought: This is the woman I want to be. Working with her has been a healing journey. Her healing energy—the way she talks, embodies femininity, and power is contagious. Her passion, kindness and deep empathy drove me through a very deep journey where I learnt to accept and understand my anger and transform it into pure creativity and power. A life changer!
I've had the pleasure of being coached/mentored on various mindset and business issues by Unni for around a year now – and I'm amazed at the results! She sees the big picture and helps you get crystal clear clarity so that you know what the next step is. One of the most impressive results is the transformation she has created with regards to mindset and limiting beliefs. If you are looking for results and lasting transformation, Unni should be your number one choice!
Inger Lise Kontochristos - Writer & Infopreneur
Unni Turrettini sitt foredrag om Løgner og Selvbedrag setter søkelys og ord på forhold som er universelt relevante, for absolutt alle. Det ble mange aha-opplevelser gjennom seansen, og når hun våger å bli personlig i sin storytelling blir man nærmest vekket fra hverdagens likegyldighet. Med relevant teori i bunnen løfter hun temaer som “roller i samfunnet” og “sosiale mønstre” til et meget høyt nivå. Deltakerne satt igjen med en overbevisning om at dette kunne implementeres umiddelbart i deres hverdag, både på jobb og privat. Foredraget skapte både selvinnsikt og –utsikt, og vi vil definitivt booke Unni igjen!
Hanne Marit Normann - Daglig leder Helt Sentralt
Unni shows us all how horrifying the ordinary can be. Anyone who is concerned with their safety and the safety of those they love should not miss this talk
Gregory B. Smith, Sr. - Owner and President of the board of CompCo Industries Founder of TEDxYoungstown
Unni’s talk was inspirational and incredibly relevant in today’s world. She inspired our audience to truly contemplate their own communities. Her talk was considerate and poised, and truly made the audience think
Blake Grossman - Former student at Institut Le Rosey, Switzerland
Unni is a confident, poised speaker with great stage presence and an engaging style — and she has something to say
Michael Robert Gray - Headmaster Institut Le Rosey
Unni Turrettini’s presentation was clear and energetic and fully held the student and faculty audience’s attention. She ably fielded questions after her initial remarks, and made a strong impression. I would highly recommend her as a speaker to academic and general audiences
Ambassador Derek Shearer - Chevalier Professor of Diplomacy Director, McKinnon Center for Global Affairs Occidental College, Los Angeles
Unni Turrettini is an exceptional speaker. She has that rare gift of making the individual universal. She spoke at Mt. San Antonio College about Anders Breivik and a mass shooting in Norway, but she might as well have been talking about anywhere, and my students were riveted.
John Brantingham - Professor at Mount San Antonio College, Los Angeles
Unni Turrettini spoke at CreativeMornings Oslo's event in November 2017, and our entire team was thrilled with her talk. She was such an incredible part of our series, with her 30+ minute lecture about the dangers of perfectionism, and how isolating trying to be the best can become. Thank you so much Unni for speaking with our group of creatives—you're talk is definitely a necessary voice in today’s society.
Elizabeth Ramsey - Founder / Director of Blank Space and CreativeMornings—Oslo chapter
Jeg har i ettertid fått mange meget positive kommentarer fra våre kresne medlemmer som spesifikt nevnte flere av de observasjonene jeg har nevnt. Fellesnevneren er «veldig interessant foredrag, strålende fremført».
Pål Troye - Formann i Programkomiteen, Ekeberg Rotary klubb
Tusen takk for et engasjerende og spennende foredrag. Unni leverte på en ekte og troverdig måte. Hun berører med et tema som alle bør høre og som angår oss alle. Unni får oss til forstå at vi mennesker er knyttet sammen, vi berører hverandre på ulike måter og vi har alle et ansvar for å skape et varmere samfunn.
May Ruud Tennebø - Styreleder av Filosofi og litteraturgruppen, MH Wirth